My Stories in Project Management – Part 2

Is Project Management more an ‘Art’ that is unique to the capabilities of few individuals or a ‘Science’ that can be systematically studied and applied predictably? The best way to answer that question is by drawing inference to the field of Photography. There is a rule in Photography called ‘The Rule of Thirds’. In its…

Correlation Is Not Causation

Over the past couple of weeks, my two-year old son has made a strange and funny connection between two events. While I drive him back home from the daycare, he loves to eat crackers sitting in his car seat. It so happened that every time he finished eating his crackers, a BIG BUS drove past…

Wisdom of the Crowd

The age-old maxim, Vox Populi, Vox Dei meaning Voice of People is the Voice of God may hold some credence against the popular belief that crowd behavior is the expression of human madness. Lets see how. Wisdom of the crowd phenomenon was first noted just over a century ago by Sir Francis Galton when he asked…

Antifragility in action – Donald Trump Show

Here is my honest confession. I started following Donald Trump on Twitter right after the GOP debate and I also keep watching many viral videos of him making ‘politically incorrect’, absolutely absurd statements. But WHY?  Because he is a rare specimen that is demonstrating ‘Antifragile’ characteristics and it is not only entertaining but also quite intriguing to see…

Google in Alphabet – Hope for a great potential

With the restructuring of the tech giant Google, did we just witness the magical recipe of Berkshire Hathaway being applied in the tech industry as well? Such corporate announcements form great case studies and provide good fodder for thought experiments to evaluate the decision from various perspectives. Here are some of my thoughts on the…

Systematic Errors in Corporate Decision Making

It is the earnings release season for many tech companies and as an audience it is a great opportunity to learn how past decisions impact the current financial results. Hindsight being 20/20, rationality of past executive judgments are on show for shareholders to evaluate. Repeated mistakes resulting in lost shareholder value are common occurrences in…

How Much is Too Much?

‘Too much of anything is bad’ – so says the age-old wisdom. Does it apply to education as well?  Last week Bill Gates tweeted this chart to encourage students to complete college. I love the simplicity, completeness and elegance of the above chart. The message is pretty clear – ‘More school means more income’. But look…

AVOID STUPIDITY… at all costs!

This is what I noted to myself after what happened few hours ago. My wife, my toddler son and I drove back home after having dinner at a nearby Chinese restaurant and we parked our car in our apartments’ parking lot. The routine is generally I get my son out of the car seat and…